Tuesday Blog Party Giveaway
Monday, May 4, 2009
From now until May 12th, I am holding this give-away to help benefit the Tuesday Fiona Whitt Foundation. Tuesday was the beautiful twin daughter of my sister-in-law's dear friend Jessica Kate. Tuesday bravely fought and sadly lost her 8 month battle with stage 4 neuroblastoma in January of this year. Debi (my SIL) and her friends from Jess' multiples group have decided to put together an annual blog party to help raise funds to fight pediatric cancer, specifically neuroblastoma, as it is the least funded of ALL cancers yet one of the most fatal.

My second item is a set of 3 brand new (still in shrink wrap) Baby Einstein DVD's: Baby Mozart, Baby Bach, and Baby Galileo.
All you have to do to enter to win either auction is simply leave me a comment letting me know whether you are interested in winning the shoes or the DVD's and then and be sure to donate $1 to the Tuesday Fiona Whitt Foundation for each entry.
Please leave a separate comment for each giveaway and a separate comment for each entry you would like. I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner on the 13th.Also, head on over to the Tuesday Blog Party to see what other fantastic items are being auctioned off. There are lots of great auctions going on and all it costs is one dollar to enter each one. If you would like to make one donation, instead of many individual donations, please feel free to donate however is easiest for you. If you end up donating $10, but only find 5 auctions you are interested in, you can use those additional dollars as additional entries :)
Thank you so much for supporting a great cause! Cancer sucks and is striking too many of my friends and family. As my friend Carolyn, who is currently suffering from stage 4 breast cancer that has moved to her lungs, says: F$&k Awareness; find a cure!" (Although she spells all 4 letters out very nicely.) So for Tuesday, my friend Carolyn, my dad, my aunt Mildred (my dad's sister), my cousin Kelli, my aunt Dotty, and most recently my Aunt Carol...enough is enough...find a cure!!!!
P.S. I'll start back up sharing all about our Disney trip soon...just waiting on those pictures from the Photopass that I told you about.
Thanks so much Julie!
Love Baby Einstein! Must have these!!
My son would love these Baby Einstein DVDs. What an amazing thing you are all doing!
baby einsteins please! wooo hooo! love it! count me in.
I enter for the baby einstein dvds
What a great cause!!!
Would love these. I am in for 5.00.
Just found your blog and enjoyed reading it.
I hope you will stop by and visit me. The May give away has started....and next week I will be blogging from Disney World.
I was looking at your top pics. I truly can not decide which is the cutest! All are truly beautiful!!!
I can not quit playing that song by Meredith Brooks in the background. Too funny.
And... I just realized he is going away with other male geeks to bike ride 250 miles this weekend.
I donated $1 for the baby einstein dvd's!
I donated $1 tonight for the DVDs - they will be perfect for our new addition set to arrive in July!
I'm in $1 for the shoes! My daughter could use a nice pair!
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